Are you seeing 11 minutes past the hour or 11:11? What does it mean?

I first began noticing 11 minutes past the hour and 11:11 back in May 2018. It started quite suddenly and became a joke amongst colleagues and friends. I always used to shout it out when I noticed it randomly. I’d go to check my phone or I’d glance at the clock and see it. I decided to Google it (as you do with most things these days) and it told me a number of different spiritual things. I decided to take from it that it was a sign of impending change. I often said this to my colleagues and friends and they would laugh it off.

Lo and behold, several weeks later my team were told that a number of us would be facing redundancy. I was made redundant and my first day of unemployment was on 11th June 2018.


The number 11 has had more significance for me recently. A chance meeting on 11th June, a new job on 11th July, and a phone call two weeks ago at 11:11—these all had a huge impact on my life. I still often notice the number 11 but perhaps not as frequently as before. I think the impending change that started last year is still yet to finish…

Some answers from Google:

‘One of the meanings of 11:11 is that the Universe has sampled your thought sequence and whatever you were intensely thinking about will manifest almost instantly in your physical reality. So if you are feeling really good about the thoughts you are focused on, rest assured that the thoughts you are sending to the Universe will soon manifest in your life. However, if you're having a thought that triggers an unpleasant feeling, you understand that you can shift your thought to a more positive one in order to attract a positive experience into your reality.’ -

‘When we see repetitive series of numbers like angel number 1111 occurring again and again, it indicates that our guardian angels are sending us an important message.’ -

‘According to numerology, the number 11 is a “master number” which signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment. When paired together, 11 11 is a clear message from the universe to become conscious and aware. Many people suggest that seeing 11 11 signifies that your spirit guides are attempting to contact you. In my experience, 11 11 seems to be the number of spiritual awakening, signifying that you are on the right path and your actions are aligned with your Soul’s purpose. In other words, seeing 11 11 is a good sign! An energetic doorway is being opened in which you will experience spiritual growth.’ -

‘When number 11 has to play its part in your life, it will appear again and again and at unusual times. Mainly, it is the indicator that your twin flame is around and you will connect with them.’ -

‘Every time you see this Number, your Spiritual Guides, your Higher Self, are indicating that you have a window of opportunity for manifestation in your life. What were you thinking at that moment? Or you can also align your thoughts at that moment to something you truly crave and that is in sync with your Soul.’

11:11 and Twin Flames

I’ve obviously heard of the term soulmate but it wasn’t until I started researching the number 11 last year that I came across the phrase twin flame. A twin flame is said to be someone who is your mirror—your souls were created together. Twin flames are also described as two people who are the perfect match due to shared pains or difficulties. A twin flame bond is said to never break and the numerical sign for twin flames is 11 11. We are apparently able to have more than one soulmate in our lives but only one twin flame.

‘…fewer people know the definition of a “twin flame” because, though it bears similar attributes to a “soulmate,” its meaning is a bit more complex, and if you don’t follow astrology, you’re even less likely to know what it is and why it matters. Not to mention, twin flames are harder to come by because in order to have one, you have to have a soulmate, too.

When you meet your soulmate — a friend, family member, a partner, or maybe even one of each (because you can have more than one soulmate) — you can’t help but feel an undeniable pull toward them, almost as if you’ve met them before. And you need to feel the pull of a soulmate before you can ever meet your twin flame.

“When twin flames come together, it is often to achieve something on an energetic level to help expand the consciousness of the planet.” Tanaaz Chubb

There is no way you can find your twin flame (aka your mirror soul) without meeting your soulmate, as your soulmate is the person who awakens your soul. Until then, your ability to find your twin flame remains dormant. Your soulmate is karmic and helps you evolve as a human; your twin flame is also karmic, but they’re someone who comes into your life to help you create something for the greater good.’


I’m not sure whether I consciously or subconsciously chose to write this post today with it being the 11th September. It got me thinking about some significant dates in history though as today is 9/11 Patriot Day and 11/11 is Remembrance Day. I wonder what else 11 11 has in store for me. I often see it as a blessing in disguise…